Effect of Government Oil Revenue on Agricultural Sector Growth: Evidence from Nigerian Economy |
164-177 |
Nwanne Ndubuisi C and Eze, Onyekachi Richard |
This study investigated the effect of government oil revenue on the growth of agricultural sector in Nigeria. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design and regression analysis as methodology. Descriptive statistics and graphs were also used to complement the regression result. The result from the study found that there is significant effect of government oil revenue on the growth of gricultural sector in Nigeria while that there is insignificant effect of government budget deficit on the performance of real sector in Nigeria with a bias to agricultural sector in Nigeria. The implication of the study is that government financing budget deficit through domestic means crowd out private investment especially the agricultural sector and thereby reduces its contributions to the growth of the economy. The study recommended that government of Nigeria should adopt a consistent oil policy measures that can entrench budget discipline, transparency and accountability aimed at raising levels of living, higher incomes, the provision of more jobs, better education, and greater attention to cultural and human values, all of which will serve not only to enhance material well-being but also to generate greater individual and national self-esteem by ensuring steady government oil revenue.
Keywords: Oil Revenue, Agriculture, Government Oil, Financing, Growth.
A study of compliance and Clinics attendance among Pregnant Woman Intermittent Preventive Treatment Of Malaria During Pregnancy, Ogun State Nigeria
178-185 |
Oyerinde Oyewole O, Adeyinka Sarah Olamide, Kilanko Akinkunmi, Babalola funmilola, Okondu Ogechukwu, Olanrenwaju Motunrayo and Olaoye Titilayo |
Malaria infection in pregnant women is associated with high risks of both maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Malaria parasites sequester and replicate in the placenta thereby making pregnant women to be predisposed to develop severe disease than non-pregnant women who acquired the infections at the same time. This may lead to miscarriage, premature delivery, low birth weight, congenital infection, and/or perinatal death,( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Cdc), 2013. Hence, Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) with the use of Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine is a key to prevent fatality of malaria morbidity and mortality to the pregnant women and the fetus. However, uptake has been found to be very low and this is below the National target of 80% coverage.
The study adopted a cross sectional survey study design. The study involved 415 pregnant women at twenty-four weeks gestation attending antenatal clinics and who were not on IPTp for preventions of malaria. Quantitative data collection method was used while Data were analysed using SPSS version 21 software to carry out the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. All analyses were performed at 5% level of significance.
Results revealed that the majority (93.7%) of the participants have good knowledge of IPTp with a mean score of 19.33 on a 25 point rating scale. The uptake of three and more doses of IPTp was found to be high (96.1%) among the participants. There was a positive association between factors of uptake of IPTp with family support to pregnant women and ANC attendance (p<0.05). The IPTp uptake was low among multigravidas who feels they are used to the process of child bearing and does not see the need for IPTp after three or more children as showed by the result that a significant association exists between IPTp uptake and number of children (p = 0.018),
Based on these findings, it is recommended that there should be community sensitization for women of child bearing age especially the multigravida on prevention of malaria during pregnancy. The girl child and adolescents should be educated right from young age through school educative program on dangers of malaria in pregnancy and how to prevent them.
Keyword: Malaria in pregnancy, Sulfadoxine Pyrimethamine, Ante Natal Care
Geoturistic Assessment of Dardha Village ( Korçë, Albania) by GAM Method
186-193 |
Ermiona Braholli and Edlira Menkshi |
Dardha is a mountaneous village situated in south-east of Albania, in the municipality of Korça. The village is composed of not very large a geographic area, in the eastern slope of Morava mountain. The relief forms, rocky composition, type of lands and the variety of flora constitute of the diverse natural landscape. For more than ½ a century the village is a spontaneous developed touristic attraction, without a long term plan. There is a lack of proper interdisciplinary studies for the site. In order to state the current geotouristic importance of Dardha village the Geosite Assessment Methode (GAM) was employes. By using it, it is aimed to evidence the scientific, aesthetic, educational and socio-economc values of geomorphosites of the village. The study includes the opinions of the experts that know and travel to Dardha. In this way are analysed the elements that are most valued by the tourists and the elements that encounter problems. By the analisis and the findings of the data, it will be possible to help planning and managing in a more qualitative way the touristic activity of the Dardha village.
Keywords: GAM methodology, geotourism, geomorphosite, main values, supplementary values, geovillage.
Depression, Economic Recession and Media Reporting as Correlates of Suicidal Behaviour among Undergraduates
194-201 |
Christiana Omone Bose MAKINDE, Igbekele Adesegun OLUWAYEMI, Olanrewaju Seun Adegbite, Jonathan DANGAN, Oyewole OYERINDE, James Adeyemi Oluwatoyin BABALOLA and Ayodele Olusegun ADEOYE |
The study examined the risk factors (economic recession, media reporting and depression) predisposing undergraduates to suicidal behaviour. The descriptive survey design was employed in carrying out the study, and the respondents were 400 undergraduates selected from two universities in Nigeria.. Data were analysed using Pearson’s correlation. For the result, three (3) null hypothesis were formulated and tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. The result revealed is strongly affected by depression, F value is 89.82 when df 1.399 is greater than F- table at alpha level of 0.05. The study concluded that economic recession, media reporting and depression are significantly associated with suicidal behaviour among undergraduates. However only depression and media reporting are predictors. It was recommended that, there is need for school-based suicide prevention programme and school Social workers and counsellors should be equipped with training on suicide prevention and suicide bereavement services.
Keywords: Suicidal Behaviour, economic recession, media reporting, depression.
Political History of Turkey-Iran Relations: Convergence and Divergence
202-210 |
Abdulrahman Al-Fawwaz and Abdallah S. Abualkanam |
The current research project aimed to examine the factors that lead to competition and cooperation between these two states. To effectively address this, the key research question was: what are the factors that cause divergence or convergence in the political interests of Iran and Turkey, and how do these factors affect their political relations. In line with this, it was hypothesized that the historical political relations of Iran and Turkey are characterized by competition and cooperation due to the diverging and converging political interests in the Middle East. The study used a systematic literature review of secondary and primary sources to gather relevant information. The study identified five key factors that cause the on and off patterns of the political relation between Iran and Turkey. The Arab Spring is a major cause of diverging interests between Iran and Turkey since it divides the allegiance of Middle East countries as to who has the best system of government. The political relations between Iran and Turkey is strained by their different stance on the Syrian crisis. While Turkey is opposed to Al-Assad’s regime, Iran has given support to the regime. The two states are also divided due to the competition to control Iraq. However, the two states converging security interests have led to their cooperation in dealing with the Kurdish insurgents in the region. The two states are also supportive of one another in the Iranian nuclear program since it deters potential attacks from the West. To ensure that these countries cooperate for future political stability in the Middle East, they should emphasize on ironing out their diverging political interests in the Middle East. These two states should not compete over Iraq and Syria, instead, they should strive to identify the fundamental needs of these two states and support free and fair elections to establish civilian governments that enhance democracy, political stability, and economic growth and development of Iraq and Syria. Besides, Iran and Turkey should use their political influence to establish a united, a safe, and secure Middle East that thrives on democracy.
Keywords: Turkey, Iran, Political History, Convergence and Divergence
From Civilization to the Dark ages: Addressing violation of Human Rights in Northeast Nigeria
211-222 |
Eteete Michael ADAM, Goodnews OSAH and David Oladimeji ALAO |
The landscape of our world today has been badly altered by acts of terrorism. The utility of violence to create a state of fear and a sense of insecurity has occasioned gross abuse of both public and private human rights. Unfortunately, there is a seeming helplessness of the legislative regulatory instrument in Nigeria. The objectives of this study are to examine the regime of existing national and international laws affecting deployment of terror; and to investigate how best to reinvent the extant regime of law for the purpose of addressing the violent violations of human rights in north-eastern Nigeria. This study addresses questions such as, what are the contributing factors to the seeming impotence of the existing legal regime to effectively combat the current social crisis in northern Nigeria? In what ways have social injustice, educational imbalance, inequilibrium of access to economic resources and a high index of youth unemployment contributed to the challenge of insecurity in north-eastern Nigeria? The methodology adopted is purely qualitative. The study found that these atavistic occurrences represent a regression from the advancement of civilization and sadly a plunge back into the unwanted era of the dark ages of global history. It concluded restructuring of the federation, free education and payment of social security to the marginalized will bring a reversal and tranquility to the Nigerian state.
Keywords: Terrorism, Extremism, Human Rights, National Security, International Law regime.
Customer Trust: An Indicator to Measure Hotel Financial Returns and Stakeholders Interest in Hotel Industry, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
223-233 |
Eja, I. Eja, Inah, G. M., Osonwa O, Kalu and Itu Prince-Charles |
Customer trust, and repeated patronage plays a very significant role towards the development of hotel industry in Calabar metropolis. Therefore, hotel operators adopt different approaches to gain customers trust and repeated patronage to increase financial returns and sustain stakeholders trust. Hence, the improvement in their services, products and marketing strategy. This study therefore seeks to ascertain if customer trust is indeed a machinery for sustainable hotel development in Calabar. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the relationship between customer trust and stake-holders interest, while the second objective examine the relationship between trust and financial returns accrue to hotels in Calabar. Quasi experimental research design was adopted, and the sampled ten (10) hotels were randomly selected hotels in both Calabar south and municipality respectively. The data used for this study were sourced from both primary and secondary means. Meanwhile, 92 structured questionnaires were used for data collection from the sample population which was determined by Freund and Williams sample size determination formula. Data were analyzed and the stated hypotheses were tested using the Spearman Rank Correlation Analytical Tool. From the study output, it was established that, there is a significant relationship between customer trust and increase in hotel financial returns on one hand and sustenance of stake-holders interest. From the result of the study analysis, it was therefore among others recommended that hotel operators should improve their service quality and services to gain customers trust, by so doing that the stake-holders interest will be sustained and the financial returns of the hotels in the study locale will increase tremendously.
Keywords: Trust, Customer, Hotel, Stakeholders, Industry
Marketing Stratégique et Développement du Judo en Côte D’ivoire |
234-245 |
Katia Ouattara |
Les difficultés des fédérations sportives ivoiriennes à remplir correctement leur mission de service public nous ont conduit à mener une réflexion sur marketing stratégique et développement du judo en Côte d’Ivoire. Cette étude menée à partir des modèles de Porter et d’Ansoff, appliqués à la Fédération Ivoirienne de Judo et discipline Assimilées (FIJDA), relève un pouvoir de négociation faible de l’organe fédéral vis-à-vis des médias et des sponsors, le peu de notoriété et de pratique de la discipline, la mauvaise image, une forte concurrence directe et indirecte, une faiblesse budgétaire et organisationnelle auxquels s’ajoutent le peu de sympathisants, la démotivation des responsables de clubs et des conditions de travail peu satisfaisantes pour les athlètes qui handicapent son évolution. La fédération est invitée à faire usage des outils de communication. Pour une meilleure distribution des maîtres de salle, la mise en place d’un Conseil de Ceinture Noire (CCN) est conseillée. De même, l’expérience africaine en matière de confection de tapis d’entraînement est fortement recommandée pour faire face au déficit dans le secteur.
Keywords: marketing stratégique, développement, sponsoring, notoriété, promotion de vente.
Restructuring Family Relation and Gender Roles as a Precursor to Gender Equality |
246-258 |
Undelikwo, Veronica Akwenabuaye, Ikpi, Ntongha Eni and Eneji, Rosemary Ine |
Gender inequality is one of the major challenges the society and particularly women are grappling with. It is known to have contributed to the slow pace of development in most parts of the world, yet most communities still perpetuate practices that promote it. Such practices include male child preference, early girl child marriage, male-against-female education, exclusion of females from leadership opportunities etc. This is justified through the attachment of biases and stereotypes on women, thereby limiting the full expression of their potentials in the social, political and economic domains of life. The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 5 was set by the UN to achieve gender equality and women empowerment, and various groups have intensified efforts towards its realization. Ironically, focus is most often directed away from the root cause, the family, where socialization into gender inequality actually begins. In this paper, we assessed the state of gender inequality in Nigeria using the four global index indicators-educational attainment, economic participation and opportunity, health and survival and, political empowerment. We suggest that traditional and religious leadership and institutions lead efforts to deconstruct the patriarchal system and power structures, and the reconstruction of family relations and allocation of gender roles in Nigeria.
Keywords: Gender equality, culture, family relations, socialization, gender roles.
Foreign Direct Investment, Openness and Economic Growth in Developing Countries – The case of Vietnam |
259-266 |
Nguyen Thi Viet Nga |
The research study is discussing how foreign direct investment (FDI) and the openness of the economy impact on economic growth (GDP) in developing countries. The every presence of FDI is considered as an important energy to accelerate economic growth in developing countries like Vietnam nowadays. Using the secondary data in the period of 1990 – 2018 and following Vector Autoregression (VAR), the research variables include FDI, GDP, domestic capital (DOM), number of high school graduation (GRADUATION), number of labor (LABOR) and the openness of the economy (OPEN). The evidence concluded that a positive impact from FDI to GDP in Vietnam is found. Further, there is a greater impact of the economy openness in the open trade policy regime of Vietnam since 1990 to the economic growth. Finally, domestic capial positively affects economic growth while graduation has not any impact.
Keywords: Foreign direct investment, GDP, VAR, domestic capital, openness, graduation.