Analyzing Access to Long Term Debt Effects on Firms Growth: Evidence of China. Counting on your usual Support |
5-13 |
Stephen Bannerman and Gang Fu |
Seeking to answer questions surrounding the use of long term debt access and its effects on firm’s debt growth structure has been the driving force of this study and by using the National Statistical bureau, CIEC and other field survey to determine the exact objective relating to the effects of debt on firm growth. Targeted population of various firm sizes as major determine factors was considered in the study with the help of the collected data. Statistical package of social studies version 22 was used to analyze the data and by correlating as well as regression model assisted the study. It was discovered that, long term debt negatively affects firm growth when sizes and maturity remain major considerate option to access long term finance, though not statistically significant as perceived. In this paper we document the maturity structure of firms’ debt in China and further discuss how it has been affected by banks intervention in credit markets and financial liberalization. Using firm-level panel data, we then investigate the determinants of access to long-term debt and provide evidence on the impact of the maturity structure of debt on firms’ growth, particular on productivity and capital inflows.
Keywords: Debt, maturity, access. Capital
Analysis of Curriculum Development Stages from the Perspective of Tyler,
Taba and Wheeler
14-22 |
Tariq Mehmood Bhuttah, Chen Xiaoduan, Hakim Ullah and Saima Javed |
The present study aims to review and compare the process or stages of curriculum development system from the perspective of deductive, inductive and cyclical models of curriculum development. The models of curriculum development serve as guidelines for constructing curriculum. This study compares the stages of curriculum development of Tyler as deductive, Hilda Taba as Inductive and wheeler’s model as cyclical model of curriculum development. The curriculum is defined as a written document, a mode of thought or a skill and various factors like designing, implementation and evaluation are essential for the development of curriculum. These three models play a crucial and different role in the process of curriculum development. Ralph Tyler pioneered four questions in 1949 which are important to shape the curriculum. The models of Taba and Wheeler are modified version of Tyler. Taba starts the curriculum processing from identification of learners’ needs and end with the evaluation but for Wheeler curriculum development process is circular does not end at evaluation and starts again from first steps one after some improvements.
Keyword: Curriculum; models of curriculum development; analysis of Tyler; Taba and Wheeler model
Thermal Springs of Bënja-Albania: Possibilities for Tourism Development
23-31 |
Edlira Menkshi, Eleina Qirici and Diana Shehu |
Thermal springs have long been recognized as a significant natural resource for recreational tourism development. A number of natural hot springs with important health and wellness values are located in Albania. This paper analyses the benefits of thermal springs of Bënja, located in the south part of country and the opportunities it offers to tourism development. The physical and chemical characteristics of springs water are used from locals to treat many diseases such as rheumatism, nerve pains, skin disease, stomach ache, etc. The combination of the curative powers of thermal waters with natural environment (National Park) and cultural monuments makes the area very attractive for visitors. Recently the number of visitors both domestic and international is increased.
Yet, the substantial values these thermal springs are not further developed or promoted. Unfortunately, the lack of the touristic facilities and health resorts is evident. Bathing programs and other treatment activities in the different thermal pools are not carried by trained and qualified staff. Based on the results of the research, the interest of the visitors about the development of wellness and recreational tourism in this destination is evident; therefore, it is necessary that the available facilities are further developed for medical and tourist purposes.
Keywords: Thermal springs, Bënja, tourism development, natural values, physical and chemical characteristics, tourist facilities
Mechanical Accuracy and Ambiguity in English for Academic Purposes among
Students of Babcock University in Nigeria
32-41 |
OYINLOYE, Comfort Adebola, Abiodun A. Adesegun, ADEOYE, Ayodele, OFODU,
Graceful Onovughe and JIMOLA, Folasade Esther |
The paper is a study of mechanical accuracy and ambiguity in English for academic purposes among Babcock University students. With the background information on the poor performance of university students in communication in English generally and, writing in particular, this paper delved into students’ written essays in order to find out their level of mechanical accuracy in writing in the English language. Three non-English major departments, Accounting, Economics and Nursing, were involved in the study. Three hundred students, one hundred from each of the departments, in 100 Level constituted the sample for the study. Data was collected from the essays written by the students on ‘My First Day in Babcock University’, with particular attention to the students’ spellings and tenses in the English language and were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools. The findings revealed that some of the students could not correctly apply writing mechanics and so were unable to express themselves clearly and unambiguously in the English language. As a result of this, it was recommended that the teachers can help to resolve the problems by finding and utilizing more effective strategies to improve students’ English writing mechanics.
Keywords: Ambiguity, mechanical accuracy, academic purposes
Influence of Organisational Support and Work-Family Conflict on Working Mothers’
Job Commitment and Satisfaction in Public Universities in South-West, Nigeria
42-52 |
Adenuga R. Alaba, O. P. Olagunju and Uwannah, Ngozi Caroline |
The search for factors that contribute to working mothers’ job commitment and satisfaction in organizations is an ongoing one in view of the fact that they are crucial to working mothers’ well-being. This study extended the frontiers of this search by investigating the contribution of organizational support and work-family on working mothers’ job commitment and satisfaction in public universities in South-West, Nigeria.
The study employed a survey research design of an ex-post-facto type. The target population of the study consisted of all working mothers in the thirteen (13) public universities in South-West, Nigeria from which a sample of 1,456 working mothers that participated in the study were selected through multi-stage stratified random sampling technique. Four validated instruments were used to obtain responses from the participants. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Canonical Analysis while the significance level was fixed at 0.05 level.
The results indicated a significant joint contribution of organisational support and work-family conflict on working mothers’ job commitment and satisfaction (Rc = .383, F = 47.706; p <.05; Rc = .171, F = 21.773; p <.05). It was found that 53.4% of the variance in working mothers’ job commitment and satisfaction was accounted for by organisational support and work-family conflict. There were significant positive relationships between working mothers’ job commitment and organizational support (r = .110, P < .05); job satisfaction and organizational support (r = .222, P < .05) and significant negative relationships between job satisfaction and work-family conflict (r = -.147, P < .05) and job commitment and work-family conflict (r = -.106, P < .05).
Conclusively, it was asserted that these findings could be due to the nature of women existence and their unique gender roles which leave them no room than to desire for an appreciable level of support from management to reduce work-family conflict before they could be committed and satisfied. It was recommended that university management should endeavour to provide child care facilities in every unit of the university, implement flexible starting and closing time for nursing mothers and extension of maternity leave to 16 weeks in order to enhance their commitment and satisfaction.
The Impact of a Training Program Based on Multiple Intelligence Strategyon the
Development of ScientificThinkingAmongPractical Education Students
53-60 |
Mohmad.K.M.ALhomran |
This study aims to identify the impact of a training program based on Multiple Intelligence (MI) strategyon the development of scientific thinkingamong the students of Practical Education course. The study subjects were selected from the students of Practical Education course at Al-Balqa’ Applied University in Jordan during the first semester of the Academic year 2018/2019.The study sample consisted of 60 male and female students distributed into an experimental group with 30 male and female students, and a control group with 30 male and female students. To achieve the study aims, a test was constructed for the scientific thinking. A training program based on MI strategy was also prepared. The program consisted of 8 training sessions, each of which is 45 minutes long. The results showed that there is a significant impact for the training program which is based on MI strategy on the development of scientific thinkingamong the students of Practical Education course, where the scientific thinking level among the experimental group students was significantly higher than that of the control group.
Keywords: Training program, Multiple Intelligence Strategy, Scientific Thinking, Practical Education
The Level of Vocational Awareness among 10th Primary Grade Students in the Selection of Vocational Education Streams atvBani Obaid District from the Point of View of Teachers
61-74 |
Haitham Mustafa Eyadat |
The study aimed at identifying the level of vocational awareness among 10th primary grade students in the selection of vocational education streams in BaniObaidDistrict from the point of view of teachers. The study followed the descriptive approach. The sample consisted of all male and female teachers of vocational educationatBaniObaid District, who teach the 10th primary gradewith a total of (71) male and female teachers. Inorder to verify the study aims, a scale of professional awareness was prepared consisting of (20) items. The study results showed that teachers' estimates of the vocational awareness level among the 10th primarygradein the selection of vocational education streams at BaniObaidDistrict were, from their point of view, high. The results did not show any significant differences in thevocational education teachers estimates of the vocational awareness level among the 10thprimary grade students in the selection of vocational education streams at BaniObaidDistrict that can be attributed to the variables of gender and academic qualification. The study recommended a set ofrecommendations.
Keywords: Vocational Awareness, Vocational Education, 10th Primary grade
North Korea Nucler Proliferation in the Context of the Realist Theory: A Review |
75-82 |
Michael Akin Popoola, Deborah Ebunoluwa Oluwadara and Abiodun A. Adesegun |
By the year 1964, all the five emerging champions of the WWII had become Nuclear Weapon States (NWS). However, a bid to avert the ominous risk which nuclear proliferation might portend to world security led to the establishment of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which was signed by many countries. North Korea which was one of the NPT signatories later opted out to embark on a brazen development and testing of nuclear weapons in defiance of all nuclear weapon regulatory bodies. This research discovered that North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons programme was absolutely in conformity with the proposition of the realist theory. But given the fact that the country’s belligerent attitude has made it a pariah state and produced adverse effects on its economic growth as well as the welfare of its citizens, the research suggested that North Korea should play down on ‘hard power’ which subjects it to international odium and explore the option of ‘soft power’ which states also use to their own advantage. Descriptive research design method was used.
Keywords: Belligerence, Nuclear Weapon, Power, Proliferation, Realist-theory, Security.