Sociogeography of the Buruli Ulcer Patients at the Center Saint Michel of Zoukougbeu in the Sanitary District of Daloa (West Center Ivoirian) |
ADJET A. Abel, François KOUAKOU YAO, MAFOU Kouassi Combo, DAN Goussoua Archille and KONE Issiaka |
The present study deals with the sociogeographic dimension of patients with Buruli Ulcer (BU) in care at the Saint Michel de Zoukougbeu treatment center. Home to endemic since the appearance of the "mysterious disease" in 1989, the district of Daloa, despite the existence of the center continues to experience new cases over the years. This analysis, which also bases a reflection on the frequentation of wetlands which are positioned as risky environments, likely to transmit the BU, is led by a qualitative and quantitative approach. Using observation grids, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, the 29 patients in the center during this period were all interviewed.
This investigation reveals that 52% of patients with BU are under 15 years old. In addition 55% of patients met are female and have a primary level. The main activity of patients or their parents is agriculture (83% of patients). The health districts of Daloa, Danané and Man have the largest number of patients. They are bordered or crossed by streams. This study finally highlights the importance of the socio-geographical characteristics of patients in the fight against Buruli ulcer.
Keywords: Buruli ulcer - Population - - Socio-geographical profile - Daloa – Zoukougbeu
Empowering Women in Bangladesh: A Study on the Problems of Working Women in Garments Industries
Noor Mohammad Osmani and Belayet Hossen |
Empowering Muslim women is a worldwide trend in almost all Muslim countries. Bangladesh is leading the way for all in this regard. It is constantly led by Two prominent women for almost 30 years. Women in Bangladesh remain firm and strong in almost all sectors of life. This paper describes some major problems of working women in Bangladesh, especially in garment industry which is regarded to be the second highest foreign currency earner among other sources of Bangladesh economy. In Bangladesh, there are more than six thousand garment industries where around six million people work and majority of them are women. The problems faced by these working women are extreme in nature. It may pose a serious threat to the development of Bangladesh economy. The research asserts that if these problems persist and not tackled effectively, the number of working women will gradually diminish; consequently, the economic growth of Bangladesh will stand far from its desired goal. Among the major problems faced by the working women include the following: salary discrimination due to genders, late salary payment, sexual harassment, mocking, no leave during pregnancy and sickness, inadequate medical facilities, housing problems, insufficient transportation of companies, spread of various diseases and unhygienic workplace due to industrial discharges. The research has figured out the problems through an intensive study of the previous and current research papers, books, magazines, periodicals of government and different NGOs’, surveys and newspapers. The research also reached its conclusions through personal interviews with the working women and selected administrative officers.
Keywords: Working women, Problems, Garment industries, Bangladesh
The Impact of Motivation on Job Satisfaction of Qualified Academic Staff in a Selected Private Universities In Nigeria
Makinde Abiola O. and Adeoye Ayodele O. |
The rapid growth in private education system in Nigeria has led to increase in demand of qualified academic staff. Attraction and retention of these academic staff have been a herculean task which has thrown a serious challenge to the management of private institutions of higher learning. This study thus examined the extent to which motivational practices influence the job satisfaction of academic staff in South-West Nigerian Private Universities.
The research instrument; Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Academic Staff Retention Instrument (MOJOSATREI) was used. The Data was analyzed and tested using multiple regression analysis and One way analysis of variance.
The findings showed that there was a significant influence of existing motivational practices on the job satisfaction of South-West Nigerian Private Universities academic staff (r =0 .779; R2 = .638; Adj R2 = .638; F (1,833) = 1466.693; p <.05). Motivational practices helped in enhancing the perceptions of academics of their jobs and environment. . The study thus also revealed a significant difference between motivational practices and needs of qualified academic staff in South-west Nigerian private universities (f cal. = 15.897, f table = 3.84, p < 0.05), which substantiated that relationship exist between the motivational practices.
The study recommended that universities should find out the unsatisfied needs of their workforce and align such to the organizational goals to achieve excellence and sustainability in education.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Motivation.
Using Videoconference Technology in Criminal Proceedings: In The Jordanian Legislation – A Comparative Study
Abdulellah AL-Nawayseh and Mohammad Al-Khalayleh |
Modern technology has spanned all avenues of life, and justice has benefited from the positive side of this technology by using videoconference technology in criminal proceedings for the purpose of hearing witnesses, justice assistants, and teenagers, which may protect them from potential retaliation, facilitates procedures and reduce the expenses of the transfer, especially if the witness resides outside the territory of the state. Taking into consideration that many legal systems, including the Jordanian law, have introduced such modern techniques in their procedural laws, we will examine in this paper the Jordanian law approach concerning the use of video conferencing technology in criminal procedures and we will also make reference to the position of the American and French laws in this regard.
Keywords: Video conference , witnesses, juvenile
Traumatic Experiences of the Nakba: A Case Study of the First Generation
Jawad Dayyeh,Bassam Yousef Ibrahim Banat and Hasan Barmil |
The current study examined the traumatic experiences associated with the Nakba for the first generation of the Palestinian refugees. A purposive sampling design consisting of 45 Palestinians from the first generation of people that experienced the Nakba in Palestine was employed. Data was collected using a 46-item questionnaire developed by the research team. The findings demonstrate that the traumatic experiences of the Nakba are prevalent among the first generation of Palestinian refugees. Of the Palestinian refugees surveyed, 77% reported going through traumatic experiences. The findings revealed that gender and household members were significant predictors of traumatic experiences among the first generation of the Nakba. The study confirmed that the traumatic experiences of the Nakba have become firm in the collective memory of the Palestinian refugees.
Keywords: Traumatic experiences, Nakba, Palestine, first generation
Diagnosis of Creative Students at University: Development and Validation of the Learner Scale for Problem-Solving Styles
Bushra A. Alakashee and Basim N. Al-Samarrai |
Problem solving is the key to creativity. The Learner Scale for Problem-Solving Styles (LSPSS) is a new instrument that supports university students in understanding their creativity abilities in solving problems and offers professors an aid in the design of teaching and assessment strategies that enhances student creativity. Based on Kirton’s adaption-innovation theory, three key styles are identified to support creativity in problem solving: (1) idea generation (preferences to improve present ideas or to generate new ideas); (2) method (precision and efficiency); and (3) managing structure (preferences to conform to the formal, impersonal rules and group norms or informal, personal rules and perception individuality). These key styles of creativity were the basis for our development of the LSPSS and included an exploratory factor analysis of a sample of 130 students, and a conformity factory analysis using a new sample of 218 students. The results supported the LSPSS and its factors: sufficiency to originality, rule/group conformity and efficiency. The subscales’ reliabilities were moderate and satisfied. The discriminate validity for LSPSS was also evident.
Keywords: Innovation, Problem solving style, Kirton' adaption -innovation theory, Big Five Factor Model of personality, Construct Validity
Social Elites and the Public Sphere Sociological Analysis of a Dialectical Relationship
Omaima Abou El-Kheir |
This paper attempts to shed light on the impact of the sociological contributions made by Egyptian sociologist Ahmed Abdullah Zayed on the research product of students and researchers in sociology in Egypt. A. Zayed has many contributions in the field of sociological theory, and huge production in many branches of sociology, foremost of which is political sociology, sociology of knowledge, sociology of religion, sociology of culture, etc., but this paper focuses on his contributions to Political sociology, specifically in the study of social elites.The paper presents the main theoretical ideas put forward by Zayed to develop the studies of elites in the Arab world in general and Egypt in particular, and the transferring of “elite” concept from the political sphere to the social sphere. The paper presented three models of studies on social elites, all of which were proposals for doctorate. The first proposal is on the religious elite; the second on the professional elite, specifically the syndicate elite, and the third on the feminist elite. This paper attempts to analyze how these three treatises employed the theoretical ideas put forward by Zayed in the study of social elites.The main focus of the paper is on three main axes: The first axis is: the concept of the elite from the political field to the social field; the second axis is on: models of social elites (religious-professional-feminist); the third axis is on: social elite, public sphere and state: a dialectical relationship.
Keywords: Social elite, Religious elite, Professional elite, Feminist elite, Public sphere, Ahmed Zayed
An Empirical Analysis of the Implications of Insufficient Portable Water Supply on Productivity: A Case Study of South-Western Nigeria |
EHINOMEN Christopher, AFOLABI Babatunde amd AGU Osmond |
In Nigeria, a greater proportion of the population has no access to water fit for drinking (Potable Water). About 71% of those living in rural communities do not have access to safe water supply; while only about 42% of the population in the urban and semi – urban areas have access to safe water. The country has about 211 billion cubic meters of renewable water annually. Unfortunately, the present consumption by the various sectors in the country is only about 1.7 percent (3,624 million M3) of the available renewable water resources. The major objective of this study is to examine the implications of insufficient supply of portable water to productivity in Nigeria, using the South-West Geopolitical Zone as a case study. The study adopts the use of questionnaire, interview schedules, and focused group discussions. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and STATA are used to analyze the data. Information being sought includes sources of water, distances between water sources and places of residence, and the effect of water scarcity on productivity on various aspects of human activities. From the findings, about 82% of the homesteads, use water of about 3.3 litres/head/day and 2.3 litres/livestock/day. These are quite low compared to the minimum standards of 25 litres/head/day, and between 25 and 35 litres/livestock/day. Water scarcity has resulted in the death of livestock; some cultivated crops have withered while others are not cultivated for lack of irrigation water. In terms of policy recommendations, more boreholes and dams should be constructed. The study also reveals low capacity utilization in public water corporations in the studied area. The study therefore, also recommends improved government funding, labour quality in terms of technical know-how in the water corporation, regular rehabilitation of water schemes, maintenance of machinery and equipments and replacement of expired spare parts to boost potable water supply from the water corporations and better output and productivity.
Keywords: Portable Water Scarcity Implications, Productivity, Water Corporations, Questionnaire, Boreholes and Dams Construction, Nigeria.
Occupational Values and Reported Behavior s of Medical Professionals in Qatar |
Fatima Alkubaisi |
Background: Advances in medicine is demanded along with professional values and behavior s. Although the professional values among medical professionals are shown to be committed that the regional settings of care might affect both how medical professional express those values and those how values are expressed in their behavior. The present study aimed at investigating both professional values and reported behavior s, and to what extent these differed according to several social and demographic variables. 78 doctors, 37 of them were from Qatar (Mean age = 45.56; 57% female doctors) and from 41 from Egypt (Mean age = 39.43; 45% female doctors) were administered an Arabic version of a professional values survey (Roland, Rao, Sibbald, Hann, Harrison, Walter, Guthrie, Desroches, Ferris, & Campbell, 2011). The results showed that differences exist between doctors’ values and behavior s from Qatar and Egypt. Specifically, differences in standards held for clinical guidelines, financial interest, and full disclosure regarding patient interventions.
Keywords: Medical Sociology, Medical Profession, Professional Values, Qatar.
The Interactive Influence of Gender on Self-Efficacy, Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation as Predictors of Impulsive behavior among Secondary School Students’in Nigeria |
Adeoye, Ayodele, O, Agbeniga, Joshua, Oyerinde, O.O, Anwanane Bidemi, B and Olaoye, Titilayo
This study investigated the moderating influence of gender on self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and achievement motivation on impulsive behaviour among students in senior secondary schools. This study employed the descriptive research design of ex-post facto type. Three hundred participants selected through the multi-stage stratified random sampling technique, were used for the study. Four main instruments were used in collecting data, they are: General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES), Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS), Academic Achievement Motivation Scale (AAMS), and Impulsive Behaviour Scale (IBS). The data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis statistical tool.
The result revealed the predict secondary school students’ impulsive behaviour based on gender. For male students (R = .522; R2 = .272; Adj. R2 = .272; F (4,271) = 28.076; p >.05), it was observed that all the predictor variables accounted for 27.2% variability of students’ impulsive behaviour; while 10.1% was observed for female students’ impulsive behaviour (R = .327; R2 = .107; Adj. R2 = .101; F (4,271) = 13.343; p <.05). The most potent predictor of secondary school female students’ impulsive behaviour among the predictor variables of the study is achievement motivation (β = .130; t = 2.132; p < .05), followed by emotional intelligence (β= .071; t = 1.779; p <.05), and lastly by self-efficacy (β= .039; t = 1.063; p <.05). For the male students’ impulsive behaviour, the most potent predictor is emotional intelligence (β = .200; t = 5.135; p < .05), followed by self-efficacy (β= .151; t = 3.768; p <.05), and achievement motivation (β= .039; t = 1.063; p <.05) was the last potent factor.
Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that appropriate intervention strategies must be designed by the school through the help of school counselor to enhance emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and academic motivation factors related to students’ behaviours and attitudes.
Keywords: interventions, Iran, Arab States, war, conflict, religion, security, resources.