Metatheoretical Study of Power-Sharing Theory: Internal-social Dimension |
5-22 |
Ramin Mafakheri |
The main purpose of this study is to elucidate some main factors contributing to the formulation and development of Lijphart’s power-sharing theory. In this regard, the internal-social dimension, as one of the main components of metatheory, is considered. In other words, it is demonstrated that how the internal-social factors such as the theorist’s background (family and education) and his intellectual pursuits (activities and intellectual connections) formed the basis of his democratic approach to construct power-sharing theory. Accordingly, while it seems necessary to clarify the meaning and also the characteristics of metatheorizing in this article, it also is an academic attempt to shed light on the internal social influences that had considerable influence on Lijphart’s approach.
Keywords: Metatheory, metatheoretical study, metatheorizing, internal-social dimension, power-sharing theory, the politics of accommodation, pillarization, segregation.
One Country Two Realities: Work Values of Jews and Muslims in Israel
23-37 |
Moshe Sharabi, Ofer Arian and Javier Simonovich |
This study examines work values of 909 Jews and 219 Arab Muslims, (or Palestinians that have Israeli citizenship). It is a unique study since there are very few studies on cultural values and no studies on work values, which compare between different ethno religious groups who have been living in the same country/ land for more than century and shares a long ethnic conflict. The findings reveal a significant difference between the two ethno religious groups regards the importance of all life domains and in most of the preferred work goals and the regression analysis of the main demographic variables cannot explain these differences. The MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) of Jews and Muslims also demonstrate different perceptions and internalization of work values among the two ethno religious groups. The value gaps can be explained by the cultural differences (individualistic Jewish culture vs. collectivistic Arab culture), by high degree of segregation, by the employment discrimination and primarily by the Israeli- Arab/Palestinian conflict.
Keywords: Work values; Jews; Muslims; Ethno-religious Conflict; Israel.
Property Rights of the Unit As the Debt Guarantees
38-44 |
Andy J. Hartanto |
The apartment units can be acquired through a cash purchase and installment. On purchases in installments using the services of the bank in the form of loans. In the execution of the credit agreement as a principal agreement followed accesoir agreement which is binding assurances against the apartment units as collateral. Against the property rights to the apartment units can be used as collateral to secure loans with mortgage. Rightsholder dependents will receive certificates of dependents who have the power eksekutorial. If the debtor defaults and does not perform the repayment of debt, then the certificate-based security rights of the lender may sell the object of the guarantee rights through public tender or sales under the hand. Proceeds from sales of security rights object used to pay off creditors receivables with interest and costs that have been incurred.
Keywords: Unit Housing Project, the Credit Agreement, Guarantee Mortgage.
The Entropy Approaches to Working Correlation Structures for Repeated Measurements
45-55 |
Serpil Kilic and Ahmet Mete Cilingirturk |
Longitudinal studies with binary response has been applied to a wide range of social and health sciences researches in order to focus on how various covariates affect responses over time. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) method developed a method for non-normal longitudinal data by Liang and Zeger in 1986. In this method, correlation between repeated observations of response variable is taken into consideration for estimating model parameters. Since stronger statistical inferences can only be obtained by taking into account the correct correlation structure between repeated observations from same subject, this situation is important for GEE. The purpose of this article is to propose the entropy-based correlation structures of the GEE method for analyzing correlated binary data and compare the results using Marginal R2, QIC and QICU criteria. As a result of the study, it is shown that entropy based correlation structures are improved or closer results compared to other known working correlation structures to determining the structure of repeated measures of response variable. The proposed entropy correlation matrix may improve the efficiency of parameter estimators.
Keywords: Longitudinal Binary Data, Generalized Estimating Equation, Entropy Correlation Matrix, Banking Sector.
To What Extent Should Directors Take Account of the Interests of Stakeholders |
56-62 |
Tareq Na’el Al-Tawil, Hassan Younies and Swapna Gantasala |
This paper aims to make the argument that the role of directors is to protect the company and shareholders as well the interests of other external parties. The two parties offer individual and group support to the organization in fulfilling the management policies. They, therefore, must work hand in hand. Directors must respect the interests of the external parties who also have a role to play in the company. From the principles of corporate governance, they all provide inclusive roles and responsibilities for shareholders and stakeholders who both contribute to the achievement of the policies in the organization.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Shareholders, Corporate Governance.
How to Build A Green Banking Image: An Effort to Establish the Citizenship Behavior and Environmental Organizational Culture
63-78 |
Sri Widyastuti, Mts. Arif and Yunizar |
Purpose – Companies need some efforts to establish organizational citizenship behavior and also enter green concepts in ethical philosophy into the culture of the organization. However, for banks, it is not easy because the service performance is formed by the characters of the employees. The study aims and reveals the fact on how far the behavior of citizenship and cultural organizations can establish an environmentally friendly green image and an impact on banking competitive advantage.
Design/methodology/approach – This study is conducted by a survey to the company employees engaged in banking industry. The sample is determined by purposive sampling as many as 114 employees of banks in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to evaluate the hypotheses regarding relationships among model constructs.
Findings – In banking industry, citizenship behavior and organizational culture influence the development of environmentally friendly green corporate image but the green competitive advantages have no direct influence. Citizenship behavior and organizational culture affect the environmentally friendly green competitive advantage through forming a green corporate image.
Research limitations/implications – This research is conducted in a limited area so findings are less generalized.
Practical implications – Companies engaged in banking industry can shape the citizenship behavior by cooperation, mutual help, giving advice, active participation, and extra services as well as the use of effective working time. The green culture within the organization can be established with the organization's commitment to the environment.
Social implications – The image of banking industry will be formed as a company that is committed to applying the principles of sustainable development and improving the ability to manage risks that have impact on the environment. This image will encourage the company to become the prime mover of growth in the green environment which will make a green economy based initiatives. Thus it would potentially create new economic growth and new jobs, and reduce poverty.
Originality/value – The results of this study can be applied in industry-based environment, in terms of internal efforts that shape the behavior of citizenship and cultural organizations with environmental and external efforts to green corporate image development that will have an impact on the corporate advantage in competition.
Keywords: Corporate image, citizenship behavior, organizational culture, competitive advantage.
Network Traffic Monitoring Analysis System with Built-in Monitoring Data Gathering |
79-91 |
Motaz Daadoo |
Networking, which is one of the most significant aspects of information technology revolution, is developing increasingly day after day. This is because it offers a huge amount of knowledge, resources and human experiences. On the one hand, it contains a considerable amount of harmful content, because of misusing. On the other hand, sitting for a long time in front of PC’s or other network-based devices can affect body badly. As enterprise computing environments become more network-oriented, the importance of network traffic monitoring and analysis intensifies. Most existing traffic monitoring and analysis tools focus on measuring the traffic loads of individual network segments. Further, they typically have complicated user interfaces. This paper introduces and presents the design an application and implementation of an MS Windows-compatible software tool that is used to manage networks usage and keep track of every network user activity. An application consists of two parts client and server. The client side is a background-application runs whenever the PC is run, it turns off only when the PC is turned off and launched with its startup. The server side is more complex-GUI application that is responsible mainly for receiving data sent by clients group, managing and updating data to provide network owner up to date view. The effectiveness of an application has been verified by applying it to an enterprise network environment.
Keywords: Network traffic monitoring and analysis; Traffic management; Enterprise network management.
Counseling Competences and its Relation with Psychological Stress Resources among Counselor Trainees at the University of Jordan |
92-102 |
Abdallah Salem Farhan Al-Mahaireh |
The purpose of the study is to recognize the levels and resources of counseling competences and psychological stress of counselor trainees at the University of Jordan. And if such competences and stresses are of differences due to gender and aggregate average. The study sample consisted of 131 male/female students who were selected as counselor trainees at university of Jordan during the second semester of 2015/2016. In order to achieve the purpose of this study; two scales were developed and the designations of validity and reliability were found: Counseling competences and psychological stress. The study showed that both competences and stress to counselor trainees were moderate at either the total degree or minor dimensions—except for the unclear role dimension which was low. Moreover, it was found that no correlation existed between the competences and stresses, nor did statistically significant differences exist at α=0.05 due to gender and aggregate average.
Keywords: Counseling competences; psychological stress Resources; counselor trainees.
Mots Clés: Collaboration Sages-Femmes/Infirmier-Matrones, Suivi Prénatal, Milieu Rural Dan, Morbidité Maternelle |
103-112 |
YORO Blé Marcel, Kané N’nan Sarah and EHUI Prisca Justine |
This article is an analysis of the effects of the collaboration between midwives / nurses and matrons on the effective integration of pregnant women in the prenatal program in rural Dan. It focuses on empirical data collected through interview guides of eleven health workers, including five midwives, two physicians and four nurses; Twelve matrons, six nurses and six pregnant women, as well as documentation from the various registries of the health centers. The results indicate that the collaboration between midwives and midwives favors the regular attendance of health centers by pregnant women. Secondly reduces maternal mortality by helping to avoid complications in childbirth. Third, this collaboration helps build trust between pregnant women and caregivers.
Keywords: midwife / nurse-matron collaboration, pregnant women monitoring, rural Dan, maternal morbidity.
Contracting via Electronic Agent and the Matter of Legal Personality |
113-122 |
Enas Qutieshat and Ola Abbasi
With the common use of the internet, electronic contacts became the phenomena with this century. Electronic contracts are contracts, which are made using electronic means. Such contracts presents many legal questions starting from their formation and ending with their enforceability. This paper highlights relevant issues related to the use of electronic agents in the process of the formation of electronic contracts. Such agents are able to enter into legal contractual relationship, therefore this paper tries to answer whether they have legal personal hood enabling them to create binding obligations or not. In doing so, the paper examines this topic from the American and English legal perspectives.
Keywords: artificial agent, contract, personality, assent.