Power Sharing Theory and Deliberation; a New Perspective |
265-273 |
Ramin Mafakheri |
While Lijphart’s power-sharing theory is particularly recognized among the democratic theories that merely emphasis the establishment of democratic institutions, it also should be considered to some extent from the perspective of cultural studies. Since the last decade, there have been significant efforts to develop the cultural aspect of power sharing theory by some eminent consociational scholars; Steiner and his colleagues. According to their theoretical framework, power sharing theory should be noticed not only from the perspective of institutionalism but also it should be demonstrated from the viewpoint of behavioralism. The author found that while power sharing theory is principally recognized among the democratic theories that merely deal with democratic institutions, this theory should also be considered to some extent from the cultural perspective. Therefore, while this article introduces the institutional principles of power sharing theory, it also determines the cultural roots of the theory.
Keywords: accommodation, behavioralism, consociationalism, deliberation, democratic stability, institutionalism, power sharing theory, talk culture.
The Effect of Using Note-taking and Prediction Strategies on Eleventh Grade Students' Listening Achievement and their Attitudes toward the Listening Skill
274-287 |
Sojoud Ghanayem and Ahmad Al-Khawaldeh |
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect ofusing note-taking and prediction strategies on Eleventh Grade students' listening achievement and their attitudes towards listening skill. In particular, the study attempted to explore if there is any statistically significant difference between experimental group students and control group students in their listening achievement according to the use of note-taking and prediction strategies. It also attempted to explore the students' attitudes towards listening skill. Therefore, this study used pre and post-tests and the questionnaire methods to answer the research questions. The questionnaire and the tests were validated by a group of English supervisors and a group of Ph.D. holders. The sample of the study consisted of 60 Eleventh-grade students from the private schools in Amman. Students were given a questionnaire which consistedof 26 items. Students were also distributed into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was taught note-taking and prediction strategies. Both of the experimental and the control group were given the same pre and post-tests before and after the experiment.
The result of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the control and the experimental group students’ achievement in the listening skills. It also showed positive attitudes among students toward listening skill. On the basis of the results of this study, the researcher recommended that students should be taught listening strategies, and they should use them while listening. They also should pay attention to the importance of using these strategies such as prediction and note-taking in dealing with the listening task. It also recommended that teachers should help students overcome the difficulties they face in listening skill.
The Impact of Nutrition Education on Dietary Practices: A Study of Female Hospitality Management Students in Jordanian Public Universities
288-297 |
Ma’moun A. Habiballah |
The purpose of the current study is to apply the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) model to investigate the link between nutrition education and dietary practices. A self-administrated questionnaire was employed to collect data about the KAP constructs. Valid 76 female students were selected from hospitality management faculties in Jordanian public universities. They were selected via purposive sampling. Collected data were analyzed using different statistical techniques including one-way ANOVA and partial correlation. Results demonstrated a significant variance in students’ nutrition knowledge among different sources of nutrition education. The results also demonstrate a strong positive correlation between students’ nutrition knowledge and their dietary practices. Furthermore, the KAP model was modified through the test of intervening variables including work pressures, income level, perceived happiness and family cooperation in committing to good dietary practices. Based on study’s findings it can be concluded that high nutrition educational attainment ameliorates nutrition knowledge, which in turn improves individuals’ dietary behavior.
Keywords: Nutrition, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Dietary Practices, Education.
Investigating Structural Changes in the Government in the Process of Development in the Space Influences by Globalization Requirements (Case Study: Iran)
298-305 |
Seyyed Amir Masoud Shahram Nia and Farzaneh Seifouri |
Development and back wardens are the result of the Second World War. That it was used for the third world countries and developing countries. Development can show the way to people who like developing so it can make new market for developed economies and so to find easier raw resources in undeveloped countries. As a result, it can be useful for developed and underdeveloped countries. The main question is that what kind of changes globalization made in nation states? We can say that developed achievements depend on nation-states and the role of governments. Therefore, the process of economic development, nation-state, economy and culture are affected by globalization so this essay wants to say that no only back wardens and development rather bureaucracy of nation states are the most important and the most effective factor for development. The base of this research is on the institutional- comparative theory of development that improved.
Keywords: Development, Globalization, Government, society, bureaucracy
Counseling Competences and its Relation with Psychological Stress Resources among Counselor Trainees at the University of Jordan |
306-316 |
Abdallah Salem Farhan Al-Mahaireh |
The purpose of the study is to recognize the levels and resources of counseling competences and psychological stress of counselor trainees at the University of Jordan. And if such competences and stresses are of differences due to gender and aggregate average. The study sample consisted of 131 male/female students who were selected as counselor trainees at university of Jordan during the second semester of 2015/2016. In order to achieve the purpose of this study; two scales were developed and the designations of validity and reliability were found: Counseling competences and psychological stress. The study showed that both competences and stress to counselor trainees were moderate at either the total degree or minor dimensions—except for the unclear role dimension which was low. Moreover, it was found that no correlation existed between the competences and stresses, nor did statistically significant differences exist at α=0.05 due to gender and aggregate average.
Keywords: Counseling competences; psychological stress Resources; counselor trainees.
Teaching Model of Integrated Learning in The Islamic Religious Education of Rasise the Faith and Devotion of The Students of State’s Senior Secondary Schools in Purwokerto City
317-325 |
Sunhaji |
The primary objective of the Islamic Religious Education is to create amalus-solikhah, that is, the formation of pieties, both individual piety and social piety. The process of the piety formation is due to the ingrained faith and devotion to God. The process of the faith and devotion formation is achieved through tafakur and tadhabur, based on God the Almighty’s creations. Therefore, the the Islamic Religious Education is necessary to be integrated into the Natural Sciences so that there will be an integrity between the kauliyah verse with the kauniyah verse.
This research used a research and development study. One of the characteristics of such a study is product. One of the products of this research is the integrated thematic learning of the Islamic Religious Education with the Natural Sciences in the form of learning scenario in syllabus and lesson plan. The results of the research shows that the teaching model of the integrated learning in the integrated thematic learning of the Islamic Religious Education with the Natural Sciences at State Senior Secondary Schools in Purwokerto city is very significant in improving the faith and devotion of the students, as indicated by the results of the experimental study in which the implementation of the integrated learning is very effective and the responses of the students toward it, are indeed very good.
Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, faith and devotion, and integrated thematic learning with the Natural Sciences at State Senior Secondary Schools.
The Impact of Organizational Culture Change in The Organizational Commitment to The Banks Acquired by Foreign Ownership |
326-339 |
H. Irvandi Gustari |
The objective of this research is to know the influence of culture gap toward organisational commitment in the bank under foreign acquisitioned in Bank taken over by foreign ownership. This research used the quantitative approach with survey method. The samples of this research were 320 employees selected randomly. Respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire about organizational culture and organisational commitment. The data used are primary data collected directly from respondents through a questionnaire. While the secondary data collected from existing literature (literature study). The method used for data collection is stratified purposive sampling method, the data in the form of behavior that asked respondents to parameters in the questionnaire. Secondary data were obtained with the method of documentation or direct quotes from various sources through library research. The data were obtained by spreading questionnaire and analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by supporting descriptive statistics. The results of the research concluded: (1) There is a change in the organizational culture of the company being acquired between before and after the acquisition (2) culture gap had a positive direct effect toward organizational commitment Therefore to improve employee performance, the organizational culture, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction should be improved.
Keywords: Culture Gap, Commitment Organizational, Acquisition, Structural Model.
Effect of Change Management Program on Employee Satisfaction In the Regional Development Bank in Indonesia |
340-350 |
H. Irvandi Gustari |
Job satisfaction is a factor that most expected in a process of change management and used as one measure of the success of the change management program. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of changes to the management of organizational systems, human resources, finance, organization / company, and work culture which in turn affect the job satisfaction. In many previous studies have found that in general the management changes had a positive impact on job satisfaction human resources or employees within a company or organization. In the end, the attitude of the employees once implemented management changes are found increasingly positive. The study recommends the management should encourage staff participation in the process of change management in order to obtain optimal levels of job satisfaction so that the productivity of the company / organization is getting better.This research was carried out on the object of research is in one of Sumatra Regional Development Bank in Indonesia: Regional Development Bank – Riau Kepulauan Riau. At the time of this research, the ongoing change management process on the object of research related to the various improvements are made in various dimensions in relation to the implementation of a productive work culture based on competence and performance.
Keywords: job satisfaction, change management, organizational systems, human resources, finance, organization / company, work culture.
The Place of Religious Studies in Human Development, Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation among Students in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria |
351-362 |
Ilechukwu, Leonard Chidi |
The paper discussed the place of religious Studies in creating human development, entrepreneurship and wealth generation among students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria, with reference to students in Tertiary Institution in Enugu State. The study tried to determine whether Religious Studies can lead to human development, entrepreneurship, job creation and wealth generation among the students in Tertiary Institution in Enugu State. A survey design was adopted for the study. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. A 30 item questionnaire developed by the researcher and validated by experts was used in data collection. Mean statistic and standard deviation were used in data analysis. The results of the study showed among others that Religious Studies provides the moral, psychological, social and spiritual infrastructure for human development; helps students to develop independent thought which empowers them to discover new information leading to economic development and entrepreneurship, and transforms religious diversity into exchange values sold in the global market, thereby creating job opportunities and wealth.
Keywords: Religious Studies, Human Development, Entrepreneurship, Wealth Creation, Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria.
Assessment for the Improvement of Teaching And Learning of Christian Religious Knowledge in Secondary Schools in Awgu Education Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria
363-374 |
Leonard Chidi Ilechukwu
For the achievement of planned educational goal, there must be a continuous planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about the performance of students. Education process always device a way of generating and collecting evidence of achievement, evaluating this evidence, recording the findings and using this information to understand and assist the student’s development in order to improve the process of learning and teaching. Assessment is thus a vital aspect of any education process. Therefore this paper, “Assessment for the improvement of Teaching and Learning of Christian Religious Education in Secondary School in Awgu Educational zone of Enugu State, Nigeria, has the purpose of determining the roles assessment in improvement of students’ learning of Religious Education in Awgu Educational Zone of Enugu State Nigeria. The specific objectives were: to determine the extent the teachers have used assessment to improve students’ learning of Religious Education and to determine how assessment has helped students to improve in their performance in Religious Studies. The research employed a survey plan. Questionnaire was used in the collection of data. The stratified random sampling were used to select the schools while sample random sampling was used to select the subjects. The number of respondents used were five hundred (500) comprising two hundred (200) teachers and three (300) students. Weighted mean and standard deviation was used in data analysis. The findings of the study include that through assessment: teachers make judgement about how students are doing in religious studies, provide guidelines which help students to improve in their knowledge, understanding and skill in the subject. The research also established that through assessment: students identify relevant information to the questionnaire and assignment; recall relevant information in religious education and express it in a coherent form and link different elements of religious curriculum in their studies. The study recommends constant assessment of the aims and learning outcome of the students’ to identify essential learning.
Keywords: Compulsory and Statutory licenses, Copyright Law, Patents Law and Jordan