The Role of the Jordanian Family in Raising the Awareness of the Young Drug Addictsabout the Danger of Drug Addiction |
265-276 |
Khaled Al-Zou’bi, Mohammad Saleem Al-Zboon and Saleem Odeh Al Zboon |
The issue of social raising uphas been always the concern and interestof scientists. That is because this issue is linked withvarious dimensions of human’s life. Such dimensions can help us in identifying the interrelationshipexisting between social raising up, culture and humanity. An example of such dimensions can include the social dimension. This social dimension is linked with many other social phenomena, such as: the division of labor, social conflict, achieving satisfaction through social interaction, and the acquisition of behaviors,standards and criteria that suit the social role and integration into sociallife. There is another dimension, which is the educational dimension. This dimension is concerned with the various methods and results that changethe organic natural behavior into a human behavior. Thus, it is considered as an intended process of growth for the human basic organs, and as a process that provides the child with primary knowledge in various fields. It is also considered as a continuous process by which humans can face the requirements of life.
The Right to Respect for Private Life in the Substantive Criminal Law: A Legal Study in the Comparative Law and the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence
277-308 |
Sami Hamdan AL-Rawashdeh |
This research considers the protection of privacy in the English criminal justice system. It addresses to what extent the right to privacy has been protected in substantive criminal law in our age of rapidly developing information and communications technologies. Furthermore, it examines whether there should be a general offence of breach of privacy. Whether there is a positive obligation on the state to criminalize unauthorized intrusion into the individuals’ right to privacy is a fundamental question that needs to be addressed. Some countries have adopted criminal legislation to penalise intrusion into individual privacy. This research will briefly review examples of such legislation, in particular the relevant provisions of the French Criminal Code. This approach aims to explore new directions of thinking and to consider how the legal vacuum might be filled in United Kingdom. The research has demonstrated that it is inaccurate to say that the substantive criminal law in England does not protect aspects of privacy. However, it would also be wrong to ignore the fact that it does so in a patchy and uncertain manner. Aspects of privacy rights fall outside protection of criminal law. Criminal legislation has failed to offer effective and comprehensive protection for individual’s privacy, with the result that certain aspects of intrusion into privacy rights fall outside the protection of the criminal law. Furthermore,there is nothing in the European Convention to prevent privacy being protected by the use of the criminal law. The European Court confirmed that there are positive obligations on the state to provide legal protection for people by imposing criminal sanctions on those who interfere with their private lives, In particular, where fundamental values and essential aspects of private life were at stake. In such situations only the criminal law could provide an adequate and sufficient deterrent to protect the victims. Reference to the experience of other jurisdictions, especially French law, has shown that the using of criminal law to enforce privacy rights does not conflict with the European Convention, and does not impinge on the freedom of the press. Furthermore, UK Parliament can take further step and create criminal offences against the invasion of privacy in accordance with the model adopted in French Penal Code in order to ensure predictability and deterrence.
Keyword: Privacy, Criminal Law, Human rights, European Convention on Human Rights, English law, French law.
Peace Education to Reduce Aggressive Behavior among Students of Baghdad University
309-319 |
Alaa Al-Taii |
The aim of the current study isto identify aggression among Iraqi students and to assess the effectiveness of the peace education program. The participants in the study were Iraqi students from Baghdad University;112 males and 88 femaleswere assessed for aggression. Following the assessment, 49 students were divided into two groups: 24 were assigned to the experimental group and were subjected to the peace education program, and 25 were assigned to the control group. This was done in order to determine the effectiveness of the peace education program in reducing aggressive behavior in aggressive Iraqi students. The results suggested that peace education was effective in reducing aggressive behavior.
Keywords: Peace education, Aggression, Youths, Iraq
Développement Durable et les Pratiques Nutritionnelles à Risque Sanitaire des Denrées Localement Transformées Disponibles sur les Marchés Populaires en Côte d’Ivoire: Les cas des jus à Adjamé
320-327 |
Bouabre Gnoka Modeste, Kouassi Kouakou Firmin and Sekongokorotoumou Wagbalina |
This study depicts nutritional practices in health risk voluntary and involuntary at a local level based on the mixture during processing foreign bodies to food juiced in popular markets, in the municipality of Adjamé, in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. This is an anthropological study which aims to put into perspective a set of alternatives the food security project intrinsic health by raising awareness of citizens and Ivorian society on nutritional practices in health risk. The survey focused on four (4) units of observation among other vendors or juice producers, sellers of the products used during the production of juice, mills operators raw materials juice, passersby and local authorities. Data collection was done, from a sample of 31 people, through the analysis of documentary sources, direct observation, semi-structured and unstructured interviews, actors in direct position This study used the strategic analysis method. It shows that:
Locally processed beverages (juices) are associated with varying proportions of other foreign bodies sometimes identified or not and inedible;
These drinks (juice) are a real health risk in the short, medium and long term.
Keywords: sustainable development, nutritional practices in health risk, local processing of food, popular markets, popular markets, popular markets
Innovation and the Triple Helix Model: A Case Study in Brazilian Incubators |
328-337 |
Tatiana Marceda Bach, ClaudineiaKudlawicz-Franco, Carlos Otavio Senff, Valéria Silva da Fonseca and Carlos Olavo Quandt |
This article aims to analyze how strategic actions of incubators lead to the development of innovations. In this context, a descriptive and qualitative multiple case study was conducted at three incubators located in Paraná State, Brazil. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the managers of the incubators, the research center and universities with which they are associated. Further data were collected from internal documents and newspaper reports. The results show that the fundamental pillar for the development of innovation in the incubators was the strengthening of university-industry-government interaction, in accordance with the triple helix approach.In practical terms, the strategic actions identified were implemented by the incubators to stimulate partnerships and information exchanges between entrepreneurs, professors, government agencies and customers. They were also intended to help incubated companies obtain financial resources and provide information on management processes, professional training, new tools and incubation methodologies.
Keywords: Strategic Actions, Innovation, Incubators,University-industry-government relationship
Development of Low Cost Safety Home Automation System using GSM Network
338-353 |
Motaz Daadoo, Shadi M.A Atallah and Saed Tarapiah |
This paper describes home automation system and its individual components and evaluates its performance. With a home automation system, people are able to program many objects to work automatically, which is automation of the home, housework or household activities. The paper presents a microprocessor-based smart home system. This paper demonstrates and explains the design and implementation of a digitally controlled interface between different sensors and an Arduino microprocessor. The proposed system is implementing alarm system based on Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication network to send Short Message Service (SMS) to the owner. The proposed system is aimed at the security of home against theft, Fire, CO and gas. In case of risk the device sends SMS to the emergency number which is provided to the system. The system is made up of basic components: sensors, GSM Module, Arduino, relays to control the device and buzzers to give security alert signals in terms of sound. The objective of this paper is to use Arduino Mega2560 microcontroller to design and build a smart home automation system which provides the user with new features such as door access control, fire alarm system, control home appliance and objects by mobile application. This paper tries to emphasize the point of advantages of new microprocessor technologies which could make many more houses smart with lower cost. By using this system, we can solve the problems faced by home owners in daily life and made their life easy, flexible and comfortable by proposing cost effective and reliable solution.
Keywords: Android Application, Arduino, Fire sensor, GSM, Motion sensor, SMS.
Lecture Analitique sur la Notion de Discrimination et la Haine en Émirats Arabes Unis Selon le Décret-loi, n2, 2015, sur la Lutte Contre la Discrimination et la Haine |
354-361 |
Rana Atour |
Emirats Arabes Unis est un pays d’une composante spécifique; En embrassant des individus, citoyens et non citoyens, de différents nationalités, origines, langues et religion; Et en voulant de constituer un modèle de tolérance et de coexistence pacifique entre tous les composantes de la sociétéoù les droits de l’homme sont respectés, loin de l’appartenance religieuse et ethnique et sectaire et disparaissent toutes les manifestations de distinction ou discrimination raciale. Il décide donc la promulgation d’une loi spéciale contre la discrimination et la haine, qui vient comme un pas civilisé pour renforcer le visage lumineux de l’UAE.
Keywords: Discrimination, Courses, Émirats arabes unis, Droit
Awareness of Social Controls to Compact Delinquency and Crime in Sudan (A Study Applied to the Youth in Khartoum State) |
362-371 |
Makia G. A.Himat |
This study aims to identify the awareness of youth in the Sudanese community of the social controlsafeguards thatpreventimmorality and crime.The study also seeks to reveal the extent of their knowledge and awareness of what is considered as delinquentbehavior. The research is based on a random sample of 435 male and female students of secondary high schools and private and public universities in Khartoum State. The current study is classified as descriptive analytical research and adopteda social survey as a means of collecting data. The study found that there is extensive knowledge and awareness among young people regarding social control and its means, especially informal control safeguardssuch as religion, traditions and social customs. Most of the respondents noted the significance ofreligious extension and education and also the role ofthe family in education and monitoring. Respondents also referred to the role of law in social control, and identified the importance of promoting the role of guidance and student counseling in controlling behavior. The results also reflect significant changes in the values systemof the current generation, and the perception of what are acceptable and unacceptable behavioral standards.
Keywords: Social control, Delinquency, crime, youth, awareness.
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Arab Region: An Analytical Study of Achievements and Challenges |
372-384 |
Abdel-Samad M. Ali and Ali A. Hadi AlShawi |
Have the millennium development goals empowered women in the Arab region? Is there a discrimination against women and girls that may weaken progress in the domains of developmentset forth either in the framework of Millennium Development Goals or in the Post-2015 Development Agenda?The study discovers how Arab countries have met the third and fifth MDGs. No country has closed the gaps of women’s political or economic participation yet. Uneven achievements in reducing maternal mortality were found within Arab states, therefore, improving maternal health should be part of the unmet post-2015 development agenda. Whereas antenatal care coverage has been enhancedacross the region, progress in Arab Least Developed Countries is still marginal.To properly realize gender equality and women’s empowerment in the post-2015 agenda, the study introducessome critical challenges to be treated such as challenges to physical autonomy, destructive cultural norms and stereotypes, violence against girls and women, early marriage and child labour, challenges to decision-making autonomy and challenges to data availability. Thus, the study asserts that gender equality must be merged in all Arab countries as a goal across all issues, especially those ones that affect the future of a country.
Keywords: Arab Countries, Gender Equality, Millennium Development Goals, Post-2015 Development Agenda, Women’s Empowerment
Copyright Law v. Patents Law of Jordan: The Extent of Compulsory Licensing Grounds |
385-409 |
Saad AbdelKarim Abuelghanam, Walid Saud Al-Qadi, Tawfiq Aref Almajali and Basem Mohamed Melhem
The study compares the extent to which two Jordanian national laws integrate within their rules certain grounds of compulsory licensing to authorize the production of a patented product, the use of a patented process, and/ or the reproduction of a copyrighted work without authorization of the right holder. In particular, three grounds are investigated: non-working, high prices and refusal to license. We conclude that the Copyright Law provides for the three envisaged grounds whereas the Patens Law only establishes the ground of non-working. But, the Patents Law negates the basis of this ground since it states that importation suffice a patentee to fulfill its obligation to work its patented invention in Jordan. Although the TRIPs Agreement leaves its member states the authority to decide upon this issues, Jordan has been a party to the USJFTA which mandates its parties to deem importation as a legal method for patentees to consider their patents worked.
Keywords: Compulsory and Statutory licenses, Copyright Law, Patents Law and Jordan