European Journal of Social Sciences

Volume 50 No 2
November, 2015
Special Olympic Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Service Deliveries: Construct Validity of Selected Measures on Service Perception
Kevin K. Byon, Joon-Seo A. Choi, Michael A. Cottingham and Sung-Bae R. Park
Due to the unique nature of the event and its participants, services associated with theSpecial Olympics World Gamesshould be carefully designed and provided. However, little attention has been paid to the development of the appropriate measurement tools of service quality for the Special Olympics WorldGames.The purpose of the current study was to develop and assess psychometric properties related to the service quality dimensions with regard to the Special OlympicsWorld Games. The resultsindicated that the five-factor model with 29 items was the most appropriate model measuring service attributes associated with the Special OlympicsWorld Games.The authors are confident that the newly created five-factor model would help event organizers accuratelymeasure and assess service quality toward the Special Olympics World Games.
Keyword: The Special Olympics World Games, Service Quality, Service Attributes
JEL Classifion: I30; L83; M39
La Responsabilité Pénale des Personnes Morales en Droit Émirati
Gehad Abdelaziz
Alors que le Code pénal émirati a reconnu la responsabilité pénale pour toutes les infractions, il a exclu de son champ d'application la responsabilité des personnes morales publiques. Pour remédier cette carence, il faut modifier l'article 65 pour consacrer la responsabilité pénale de toutes personnes morale publiques si l'activité de cette personne peut être déléguée. Le législateur doit mentionner dans cet article les termes ''l'employé délégué et dirigeant de fait" comme représentant de la personne morale. Par cette solution, ils sont qualifiés pour engager la responsabilité pénale des personnes morales. En plus, il doit définir la formule "pour leur compte" de façon explicite. Concernant les sanctions applicables aux personnes morales, qui sont actuellement insuffisantes, nous proposons au législateur émirati de prévoir des peines spéciales, contenant des nouvelles peines et mesures pénales adaptées à la nature de la personne morale et son activité telle que l'exclusion des marchés publics à titre définitif ou pour une durée provisoire. S'agissant de la peine d'amende, son taux doit être égal au quintuple de celui prévu pour les personnes physiques. Si cette amende n'est pas prévue par le texte qui réprime l'infraction, son taux, indiqué par le législateur, doit être proportionné à la gravité d'infraction.
Keyword: Responsabilité Pénale – Personne Morale – Droit Émirati - Droit Français - Domaine De La Responsabilité – Conditions De La Responsabilité – Sanctions Applicables Aux Personnes Morales
An Investigation into the Effect of Interactional Social Capital on Political Culture among Citizens of Kerman, Iran
Ali Bagherizadeh, Mahmood Ketabi and Esmail Shafiee
Stability of citizens’ political participation is a critical issue for Islamic Republic of Iran which is in its fourth decade of political existence. It seems that one of the most influential factors affecting citizens’ political participation is the type of their political culture. Different factors are involved in formation of political culture, the most important of which is ‘social investment’. Therefore, the present study seeks to investigate the relationship between interactional social capital and citizens’ political culture in Kerman, Iran. In this research survey method is used. Participants are 384 citizens of Kerman. To collect data, use has been made of a questionnaire; reliability of the questionnaire was mesaured by Alpha Cronbach and its face validity was also evaluated. Data was analyzed by SPSS. classifying social capital into three dimensions of ‘common identity’, ‘social commitment’ and social trust and norms and concerning two aspects of political culture, i.e. participatory political culture and non-participatory political culture, it was observed that there was no significant co-relationship between political culture and common identity, social commitment and social trust whereas there was a significant co-relation between political culture and social norms. In other words, those with participatory political culture have higher social norms.

Keywords: Common Identity; Social Commitment; Social Trust; Cooperative Political Culture; Non-cooperative Political Culture
A Simple Principle, Fast and Low Cost Temporary Determination of the Commerce Court on Registered Brands
Firdaus Syafaat, Suhaidi, Edy Damian and Runtung
While the determination of the Trademark Act although derived from the common law system but if applied in Indonesia should follow the procedural law in the legal system adopted by Indonesia, namely civil law. The principle of fast, simple and low cost Determination While the Commercial Court in the case of Brand is expected to provide legal protection to the owner of the registered trademark. Therefore the main issues that will be studied in this research is: Why is the principle of fast, simple and low cost Determination While the Commercial Court required in the settlement of the Brand? Then how to apply the principles of fast, simple and low cost in a provisional decision of the Commercial Court in the case of Brand in Indonesia ?. The method used is a normative legal research method. The nature of this research is an explanatory, descriptive and prescriptive. Explanatory research or testing rules will explain the principles of fast, simple and low cost Determination While the Commercial Court. Descriptive research will reveal the principles of simple fast and inexpensive Determination While the Commercial Court and the rules related. Research prescriptive used to plan a rapid establishment of legal norms simple and low cost Determination While in the case of the brand. The research proves that: The first principle is simple fast and low cost Commercial Court Case Determination While Brand is necessary in order to provide legal protection to the owner of the registered trademark. The second principle is fast, simple and low cost Commercial Court Case Determination While brands can be implemented with some adjustments. Based on these results, the recommendation of the research is the Trademark Act of 2001 should be changed to do some revisions mainly on the simplification of processes and procedures for registration of Trademark further a need for the Institute Estimator assets to assess bail and redress, need to be added the amount of the Commercial Court in place to accommodate the interests of the applicant a provisional decision, the need for firm action in the implementation of a provisional decision by the threat of contempt of court and the need to improve legal education to the community, especially with regard to the registered mark and the determination as to increase public awareness of the importance of legal protection of trademarks through determination whilst in realizing the principle of simple fast and inexpensive.
Keywords: determination while justice, Commercial Court
Culture et Santé: le Zôtô (chez les Akyé de Côte-D’ivoire) Entre Psychothérapie et Bromathérapie, (une Contribution à L’anthropologie du Corps)
Kpatta N’cho Jérôme
Phénomène rituelique observé chez les Akyé de Côte-d’Ivoire, est un programme thérapeutique prescrit à un ou plusieurs individusservant à circonscrire les traumatismes à conséquences psycho somatiques. Le protocole se déroule durant toute une journée (en phase avec la cosmogonie sous l’onction toutefois des divinités tutélaires de la communauté en question) et de préférence un jour faste (jeudi, vendredi et dimanche). Celui-ci a eu lieu un dimanche.Ainsi, enacteur et témoin oculaire avions-nous pris part en effet avec quatorze autres personnes à ce programme dans la commune d’Adzopé précisément dans le quartier Massandji 1, le16 décembre 2012. De par cette immersion il a été plus que passionnant de reconstruit selon une approche phénoménologique toute la quintessence de ce rite. Disons aussi que des iconographies ont permis de ressortir la logique interne du phénomène afin d’apprécier son influence thérapeutique au niveau du corps et du mentale.En substance, c’est un repas collectif dont on enduit le corps (de tous les participants) avec les restes.Fait d’un cocktail de toute sorte d’aliment, ce repas est en réalité conçu dans une grande marmite et mis à feu. C’est donc pendant la cuisson que tous les quinze patients devraient à tour de rôle s’approcher du feu et se pencher sur le récipient afin de recevoir la chaude vapeur sur tout le corps minutieusement (tête, tronc et membres). Apres cette forme de fumigation, ces derniers ingurgitent un breuvage (à base de la pharmacopée) avec la paume de la main (droite et gauche) - doigts repliés vers le tronc formant un creux comme un gobelet avant même de partager en groupe le repas totémique selon les termes de Levi Stauss.
Keywords: Zôtô,Akyé,Côte d’Ivoire, rituel thérapeutique, psychothérapie, bromathérapie.
Implementation of Al-Quran and Hadith Values as a Basis for the Islamic in the Teens Association among High School Student in Pontianak City
Adolescence is usually called of searching for identity that encourages exploration spirit in the new environment. When entering the social world frequent clashes between religious norms with modern life style synonymous with promiscuity. Observing teenage promiscuity, this study analyzes the implementation of the Qur'an and Hadith as the basis of Islamic values against promiscuity teen high school students in the city of Pontianak. This study uses a perspective Sociology of Religion as a teenager association analysis in monitoring how Islamic values serve as the basis of the association and is equipped with a descriptive qualitative approach. Networking research data using the snowball technique in which the adolescent informants are senior high students of SMAN in Pontianak, then analyzed using qualitative analysis. Results of study describe young people in general understand the Qur'an and Hadith as the basis of Islamic law in which there are Islamic values containing restrictions in the mix. Quran and Hadith Muslims understood as a guide and are required to read Al-Quran but do not understand the meaning contained. The pattern of religious education was obtained from family and school have not been internalized in life. The reality of Islamic values are not yet fully implemented in a high school teen promiscuity in Pontianak. It is seen from the conflicts of their association with the Islamic norms, such as the clash of teenage friendship glamorous lifestyle shows and hedonism; clash of styles dating teenagers often being alone; clash of styles of dress, especially young women generally do not wear veils; and interactions in cyberspace shows the profile or status unethical containing eroticism.
Keywords: Al Qur'an and Hadith, Islamic values, High School Students
Examining University Students’ Language Awareness of Metalinguistic Knowledge in the Thai Context
Sureepong Phothongsunan
This study aimed to investigate Thai university students’ language awareness of metalinguistic knowledge of English, which focuses on learners’ ability to detect and give explanation for errors in English. A verbal protocol of learner introspection was used with 15 participants studying in the Business English Major in a Thai university. The specific investigation was on errors with verbs which encompass those of tense, aspect, and verb complementation. It was found that most participants identified mistakes inaccurately and in particular they seemed to have serious difficulties with verb complementation. Also, it was found that the participants referred to grammar rules they learned in high school rather than to what they have been exposed to in their university courses to explain grammatical structure. Insights gained from the verbal protocols are useful to help students to understand the thought processes involved in metalinguistic reflection, promote language awareness and address students’ conceptual confusion with English rules.
Keyword: Thai University Students, Metalinguistic Knowledge, Errors with Verbs.
Methods in Distance Learning
Khalil Alsaadat
Progress in information technology has enabled new educational delivery methods such as distance learning and e-learning. As an outcome of this, many universities and colleges have entered this new e-learning world in a major way. For this reason the need for pedagogical and technical knowledge to teach using the Internet has emerged, and this knowledge is slowly becoming a core competence for many teachers. Given the proliferation of electronic mediated teaching, haverila and barkhi2009. This paper sheds some lights on the importance of distance learning to societies, universities, organizations and to individuals. The paper also discusses some of the important distance learning methods that are being used by educators, trainers and practitioners.
Keywords: methods, distance, learning, learners, education, technology
Talent Management in Educational Institution
Sathya. R and R. Indradevi
In today’s competitive knowledge-base environment human capital is considered a key resource and indispensable to the survival of the educational institution. For educational institution, the core human capital is the faculty. Faculty constitutes a backbone of educational institutions. Faculty is a rare commodity in today’s competitive education field. Presently, the biggest challenge faced by the educational institution is the enormous shortage of qualified and competent faculties. To do well and to sustain in this competitive market for a long time, an educational institution should attract qualified pool of talented faculty members and at the same time retain the best talented faculties. This has resulted in a scenario where institutions strive in competition with each other to attract and retain the best available faculty talent. Attracting, developing and retaining employees with sure channel of qualified people are essential for the success of any organization which we call as “Talent Management”. This paper focused on identifying a series of successful practices relating to Talent Management within the educational institution setting.
Keyword: Talent Management, recruitment, selection, retention.
The Suitability General Principles Implementation of Good Governance in Consideration of Extension the Right to Cultivate
Moh Yuhdi
The right to cultivate is a right granted by the state to certain legal subject to certain conditions also to manage and cultivate the land with the orientation state that is engaged in agriculture, fisheries or livestock. In the context of land area that can be given the status of land use permits, Article 5 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation No. 40 of 1996 states that the minimum area of land that can be given the status of leasehold is five acres. While the maximum area of land that can be given to individuals puluhlima is two acres. This is as set out in Article 5 paragraph (3). To the area of land to be granted to a legal entity established by the Minister with the consideration of the competent authorities in the field of business concerned with considering the land area required to implement the most efficient businesses in the areas of business concerned, as mentioned in Article 5 paragraph (3 ) Government Regulation No. 40 of Known 1996.
Keywords: general principles of good governance, the right to cultivate